- Be clear and concise. Every headline, sentence and photo should have a purpose. Use simple language; talk to your customers. The content on your website is meant for your audience or customers – not for you. “Forget” what you know and try to read your site as if you were not the expert that you are at whatever you do.
- Be findable. Your website URL and the name of your company should be something that is easy to remember and search. There are a lot of great resources for creating SEO-friendly websites; start with Google’s own suggestions in the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.
- Be professional. Your site doesn’t have to be flashy or elaborate, but it does need to present your content in a manner that engenders trust in your brand. Make sure your content is well-written and well-edited.
- Design responsively. Your site should be designed for both mobile and desktop platforms. In 2019, the average person in the United States spent 3 hours, 43 minutes on their mobile devices. For the first time ever, that eclipsed time spent watching TV, and it far outpaces time on desktops or laptops. So it’s imperative that whatever presence you have online, whether a website or an app or social media, you need to think “mobile-first” when creating it.
- Use keywords. There are certain words that people use to search the Internet. Using them in your headlines and in key areas of your website improves your ranking in search engines.
- Avoid too many ads. Yes, they can make you money, but often popups or disreputable ads will turn off potential customers and readers of your site. They can hurt your credibility and annoy users. It’s best to focus on your customers and your brand.
- Add a search box. Make sure visitors can search your site. An easy-to-use search is really a must for any website.
- Include contact information. Make yourself available and easy to reach, and ensure that information is present across your website. if possible, don’t rely soley on forms. An email address or phone number is a much better way to connect. Also, include a physical street address if you have one for your business.
- Include reviews or testimonials. There’s nothing better than having current or former customers sing your praises. If your business has great ratings on Facebook or Yelp! be sure to tout that as well.
- Publish your privacy policy and terms of use. These indicate your site is professional and indicates transparency about your approach to visitor information.